Chicken Jitters

Directed by Bob Clampett

Release Date:

April 1, 1939

Main Character(s):

Porky Pig


On Porky Pig’s farm, a fox attempts to steal a duckling. The rest of his family team up to rescue him.

That’s Not All, Folks:

The cartoon shares a similar plot to “Porky’s Poultry Plant” and even reuses a few gags from it (notably the “snake-charming worms out of holes” gag).

Some of the ducks slightly resemble Daffy.

The chickens’ houses are labeled “Blondie and Dabywood” (after Blondie and Dagwood), “The Jones Family” (probably named after Chuck Jones), “The Hardy Family” (named after Oliver Hardy), and “Mother Carey’s Chicks” (named after animator John Carey).

What I Like About This One:

Instead of saying “cock a doodle do”, the rooster yells, “Wake up, fellas!”

Porky looking through the eggs under a light, one of which has a chick that sticks its tongue out at him.

One chicken gobbling up an ear of corn and turning it into a corn-cob pipe.

An unhatched duckling egg (with only its legs sticking out) mistakenly going in the opposite direction of the pond and hitting a tree (this is also the same duckling that gets kidnapped by the fox).

The duckling noticing the audience and taking a picture of them.

A worm hitting the duckling’s beak with a mallet, causing the beak to vibrate like an auctioneer.

The fox’s pupils briefly morphing into the shape of a cooked bird.

The fox shooting Porky’s ax into a little bitty ax.

When the duckling’s family notices he’s missing, the father duck plays his beak like a bugle.

Two of the ducks dropping a dummy torso on the fox so he can’t escape the next attack. Two other ducks then drop a TNT barrel on him turning him into a fox fur on a mannequin.

Where Can I Watch It?

Carrot Rating:

🥕🥕🥕 ½