The Coo Coo Nut Grove

Directed by Friz Freleng

Release Date:

November 28, 1936

Main Character(s):



Caricatures of Hollywood stars (oddly both humans and animals) gather at the Coo Coo Nut Grove.

That’s Not All, Folks:

Caricatures include Ben Bernie (as Ben Birdie), Walter Winchell (as a mouse, Walter Windpipe), Hugh Herbert, Katharine Hepburn (as a horse, Ms. Heartburn), WC Fields (the same pig from “At Your Service Madame”), Ned Sparks, Johnny Weissmuller, John Barrymore (the “profile” man), Groucho and Harpo Marx (the latter portrayed as a bird), George Arliss (as a turtle), Mae West (as a chickadee), Laurel and Hardy (caricatured as a monkey and a pig, respectively), Edna May Oliver, Clark Gable, Gary Cooper, the Dione Quintuplets, Helen Morgan, Wallace Beery, Edward G. Robinson, George Raft, Jean Harlow, Bette Davis, Joe E. Brown, Lionel Barrymore, and Fred Astaire.

The shot of the birds dancing is reused animation from “I’m a Big Shot Now”.

What I Like About This One:

The neon sign for the Coo Coo Nut Grove is revealed to be a bunch of fireflies.

When Walter Windpipe annoys Ben Birdie by popping out of a tuba with a piece of celery, Birdie blasts Windpipe out of said tuba by blowing hard on the mouthpiece.

The running gag of Harpo Marx pursuing a girl whose face is off camera. When he finally catches “her”, it’s revealed that “she” is actually Groucho in disguise!

The Hardy pig and the Laurel monkey exchanging fat and thin roles after drinking the milk from the same coconut.

Edna May Oliver’s dance causing Clark Gable’s ears to sound like castanets.

Johnny Weissmuller (Tarzan) getting scared by a mouse and passing out. His date then does her impression of a Tarzan yell and swings across the trees, carrying him.

Helen Morgan’s tear-inducing song, “The Little Things You Used to Do” causing everyone to cry a river and float away.

Where Can I Watch It?

Carrot Rating:
