Katnip Kollege

Directed by Cal Dalton and Cal Howard

A fantastic example of character development in just one cartoon.

Release Date:

June 11, 1938

Main Character(s):



An all-cat cast. At Katnip Kollege, the most popular course is “Swingology” (as in swing music). One student named Johnny doesn’t have the rhythm, so the professor makes him sit in the corner wearing a dunce cap and has him stay long after class is over. His girlfriend, Kitty Bright, is the only one sympathetic to his inability to swing and tells him to let her know when he learns how to swing. Taking inspiration from a ticking clock that night, Johnny finally gets the rhythm, runs all the way down to where all the cats are having a musical session, and impresses everyone (especially Kitty Bright) with a flawlessly jazzy rendition of “As Easy As Rolling Off a Log”.

That’s Not All, Folks:

The cartoon was given a Blue Ribbon reissue. The song “We’re Working Our Way Through College” played over the opening credits. Additionally, the original title card has been found and can be viewed here.

The cartoon was originally titled “As Easy As Rolling Off a Log” , which is the main musical number for this cartoon.

A statue of the professor is labeled “Professor Dalton”. This is of course a reference to Cal Dalton.

This contains what is possibly the first use of the “thumbtack on teacher’s chair” gag. This gag would achieve later fame in Pixar’s “The Incredibles” (2004).

What I Like About This One:

In general, the whole cartoon is an absolute treat, music-wise and song-wise.

At the start of the cartoon, one student’s car keeps going and crashes offscreen.

Rod Scribner’s animation of the professor (and a chalkboard sketch of him) dancing.

The cuckoo literally getting the book thrown at him when tries to join in the students’ musical greeting to the professor.

A bored bully putting a basket over the student in front of him during a musical recital of Columbus’ journey to America. The victim of the prank then grouchily sings the last line of the lesson: “And Columbus wound up in the jugaroo”.

The aforementioned tack on chair gag.

The song that a cat trio sings when night falls. In one shot, the taller two have taken over the microphone while the smallest has an angry expression on his face with his back turned to them.

Johnny’s rendition of “As Easy As Rolling Off a Log” as well as everyone else’s reactions when they hear his flawless singing.

The closeups of Johnny and Kitty Bright as they sing (as animated by Scribner).

In the end, Johnny and Kitty Bright literally fall off the log they were on. Having been completely won over, Kitty Bright ends the cartoon covering Johnny’s face with kisses.

Where Can I Watch It?

Carrot Rating:
