Porky's Hero Agency

Directed by Bob Clampett

Animation by Bill Hamner

Release Date:

December 4, 1937

Main Character(s):

Porky Pig


Porky Pig falls asleep reading a book of Greek Myths, and dreams he is a hero named “Porkykarkus”, saving Greece’s citizens from being turned to stone by the ugly Gorgon.

That’s Not All, Folks:

You can find out who animated what scene here.

This is one of the few cartoons where Porky is portrayed as a child.

“Porkykarkus” is a reference to “Parkyakarkus”, a Greek stereotype that was the stage name of comedian Harry Einstein.

The Emperor’s fireside chat is a reference to Franklin D. Roosevelt’s weekly radio addresses.

Caricatures of Bob Clampett, Chuck Jones, animator Lu Guarnier, Robert Cannon, John Carey, and storyman Ernest Gee appear at one point as stone statues lined up.

In 2009, animation historian Jerry Beck was seen in a photo with the Porky statue seen on the title card.

What I Like About This One:

Porky’s sign saying that he will slay dragons for 50 dollars and will rescue damsels for only 50 cents.

Porky using the winged shoes on the Mercury statue to fly (animated by Bill Hamner).

The Emperor’s fireside chat consisting of statues and using a rope to raise their hands (Norm McCabe animates the Emperor pulling on the rope while Hamner animates the statues’ hands being raised).

One of the statues being positioned to roast a marshmallow in front of the fireplace (animated by Jerry Hathcock).

The Emperor ranting about how the population of people reduces while the statue population increases (animated by Hathcock).

The Emperor having the statues clap (animated by McCabe).

The clock' raising its “hand” (animated by McCabe).

The sign on the Gorgon’s lair (“Why Go Somewhere Else and Get Yourself Chiseled? The Gorgon Will Turn You to Stone Cheaper With Her Marvelous Photographic Eye. If Not Satisfied In Thirty Days You Will Be Brought Back to Life With Her Life Restoring Needle……. Maybe”).

Caricatures of the Three Stooges being turned into a statue resembling “See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil” (animated by Hamner).

The Gorgon turning a pyramid of folks into an actual pyramid, but since some of them moved, she has to use her life restoring needle to get them into the proper positions (animated by McCabe).

Porky breaking a statue of “Dick A. Powello” (animated by Hathcock) and entering as a muscular statue (animated by John Carey).

The Gorgon’s kiss breaking Porky’s disguise apart as he manages to steal the life restoring needle (animated by Hamner).

Porky giving Venus DeMilo Popeye arms when he revives him (animated by Hamner).

A “mermaid” pulling a zipper on her fin and running out of it (animated by McCabe).

Porky reviving a temple and a smaller temple labeled “Shirley” (animated by Carey).

The Gorgon catching Porky and trying to get him to open his eyes just as it fades back to reality where his mother is trying to get him to wake up (animated by Robert Cannon).

Where Can I Watch It?:

Carrot Rating:

🥕🥕🥕 ½