Porky's Hotel

Directed by Bob Clampett

Release Date:

September 2, 1939

Main Character(s):

Porky Pig


Porky Pig runs a hotel in a small town and is eager to please his guest, an irritable old geezer named Gouty Goat. Unfortunately for Gouty, he keeps getting pestered by Porky’s chatty assistant, Gabby Goose.

That’s Not All, Folks:

This is the first cartoon to use the 1939-1940 Looney Tunes intro, the finalized Looney Tunes logo, and the redesigned Porky drum ending.

When Porky is carrying bags for a pelican guest, one of his bags reads “Katz Hotel”. This is an in-joke referencing Ray Katz, one of Leon Schlesinger’s assistants as well as his brother-in-law.

Gabby is similar to the chatty duck characters in “She Was an Acrobat’s Daughter” and “I Wanna Be a Sailor” as well as Dizzy Duck from “It’s an Ill Wind”.

Porky is only seen in a few scenes in the cartoon.

What I Like About This One:

The town the cartoon takes place in being called “Donut Center” (“What a Hole!”).

The female chorus of “Honeymoon Hotel” at the start of the cartoon (with the title changed to the “Porky Pig Hotel”).

Porky lifting up the sidewalk to sweep dust underneath it.

Porky playing his broom like a flute while marching.

When Gouty arrives, Porky attempts to say “Welcome to Donut Center” but his stuttering problems cause him to instead say “Cheesecake Center”.

Gouty’s wheelchair being propelled by mechanical feet that push along the floor.

Porky opening the elevator- which has a staircase inside.

When Gabby first sees Gouty, he immediately starts annoying him by asking him about his “funny-looking foot” (since Gouty’s foot is bandaged up). In response, Gouty tells Gabby to come here and then scares him by yelling, “BOO!” (the way Gouty says it is really funny).

Gabby is next distracted by a fly that buzzes in rhythm before ending with “And I do mean (makes buzzing sound)!”

When the fly lands on an armless statue, the statue attempts to swat the fly with its foot!

The cuckoo coming out of the clock at noon and saying in a slow voice, “As my father once said, Quote, CUCKOO!” and then goes back into the clock. He comes back out to say “Unquote”.

Porky serving Gouty his lunch but since he’s a goat, Gouty dumps the food off the plate, and instead eats the plate.

Gabby is still trying to hit the fly and accidentally hits Gouty’s bandaged foot. This proves to be the last straw, so an enraged Gouty chases Gabby in his wheelchair, passing Porky and a pelican guest (causing Porky to end up in the pelican’s mouth before getting out to see what’s going on).

The chase ends with both crashing into a wall where a picture of Captain John Smith about to be decapitated by an Indian is shown with Gouty replacing the Indian’s head and Gabby replacing John Smith’s head. Realizing the scenario he’s in, Gabby starts begging, “Oh, please don’t chop my head off! I’ll be a good boy, Mr. Gouty, honest I will…!” as the cartoon ends.

Where Can I Watch It?

Carrot Rating:

🥕🥕🥕🥕 ½