Shanghaied Shipmates

Directed by Jack King

Release Date:

June 20, 1936

Main Character(s):

Porky Pig


A cruel captain finds out that his previous crew has abandoned ship. He shanghais Porky Pig and his pals to be his new crew. After a week of putting up with the captain’s cruelty, they stage a mutiny against him.

That’s Not All, Folks:

The captain’s assistant slightly resembles the dog owner in “Plane Dippy”.

This is the first time where the “you wouldn’t hit a guy with glasses” gag is used.

What I Like About This One:

A hippo in the bar playing two pianos at once.

When the captain punches one of the characters on to the ship causing him to spin, that character manages to grab his hat while he’s still spinning.

One of Porky’s friends helping him remove a bar of soap that the captain made him swallow (Porky had caused him to slip on it earlier).

A hippo laughing at the captain slipping on the soap a second time, so the captain gives the hippo a hilariously bizarre punishment: dousing his feet in milk and having a cat lick them.

One crew member having a scrub brush for a peg leg.

The animation of Porky and pals chanting “We want food!”

The whole mutiny scene, especially when the assistant silently asks Porky if he wouldn’t hit a guy with glasses. So what does Porky do? He punches him after discarding the glasses.

Where Can I Watch It?

Carrot Rating:
